MyCity360-City Call Center

The growing number of city inhabitants and continuing rural migration to urban areas demand innovative solutions supported by technology within a new concept of municipal management. Thus, establishing a customer contact center is just the first step in the process of optimal digitalization of municipal operations and interactions with citizens.

Citizens of a smart city in this day and age are accustomed to consistently available high-quality services, and look forward to a prompt and professional answer to all their concerns. As a result, in recent years we have witnessed the opening of an increasing number of call centers by local authorities to address this demand.

As an additional and complementary part of the MyCity360 Cockpit, the MyCity360 Call Center consists of a municipal hotline that serves as a command and control unit which is in charge of responding to residents’ inquiries. Furthermore, its PA feature provides value for decision-making both in daily regular situations and, more importantly, during emergency situations.

Our long expertise in setting up call center rooms in most various institutions has made us realize how crucial it is to accompany their implementations on all levels. That’s why we accompany you step by step into building a call center that makes optimal use of the technological framework already in place.

Once all the technical aspects of our solution are in place, we will help you recruit and train all your call center operations teams through a rigorous, quality-oriented selection progress.